9900047885 sales@athenatravels.in
Thank you for choosing Athena Cars & Tours (P) Ltd Service! We value all of our customers and strive to meet everyone’s needs.
Rental Date*
Customer Name *
Company Name *
Do you wish to be contacted about your feedback* YesNo
Please choose the category of service chosen* Long TermShort TermChauffeur Services
Mechanical Condition of the vehicle* ExcellentGoodFair
Cleanliness of the vehicle * ExcellentGoodFair
Grooming * ExcellentGoodFair
Behavior * ExcellentGoodFair
Punctuality * ExcellentGoodFair
Driving * ExcellentGoodFair
Courteous * ExcellentGoodFair
Product Knowledge * ExcellentGoodFair
Please rate your overall satisfaction with Athena Cars?* ExcellentGoodFair
How likely are you to rent again from Athena Cars?* Very LikelyLikelySomewhat Likely